Friday, August 20, 2010


Justin and I recently visited Nauvoo, Illinois and it was one of the best trips we have ever taken. Because Justin and I were on our way home from Ohio, we camped in Ohio, which was quite the experience. In a short story...we were in a 3 foot wide tent and sweating profuseness from the humidity. It was very hard to sleep, to say the least, but it was definitely an adventure. Justin and I have so much fun together and I love sharing these moment together.

The Monument to Women

A huge flower

The Browning gun smith shop

The printing press

The huge ox

Joseph, Hyram and Emma Smith's tomb stone

The Nauvoo temple. Justin and I did a session Tuesday morning. Such a great experience. We got special permission to go look at the baptismal font and Joseph Smith's Nauvoo Legend sward.

Inside Carthage Jail. The door to where Joseph Smith was.

The window Joseph Smith fell out of.

If you look towards the top of the window, there are hundreds of chips out of the cement, due to being shot out. Compare it to the cement section underneath the window.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you guys had fun--all the way down to the sweaty tenting! I love your pictures outside the temple, SO pretty. I'm gonna have to get me one of those good cameras....and some skills too I guess :) Miss you guys!
