Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Summer Fun!

Justin and I haven't taken any family pictures since Kinley was born. Here we are...Kinley is 2 and a half months old and I am down 37 lbs! Don't ask me how that happened, but thank goodness it did! Kinley is doing so well. She is on a great schedule in which she eat and sleeps great, spits up a WHOLE lot less, is learning to burp herself (or help me out), sleeps through the night about 7-8 hours and smiles so much. I love this stage she is in...we are starting to see her personality more and more and I have so much fun with her each day. We leave for California in a couple of days for Kinley's baby blessing; which might I add...she is going to be one heavy baby to bless. Not that she is a big baby, but she will be 3 months by then. Most babies are blessed at just a few weeks old. Good thing we have strong men in our family! We are also going home for the annual Wilhite Family Reunion and then I will stay an extra week with my family while Justin comes home and has to work. What a good husband and daddy!

I just love this. This is Kinley's "thing". It is so nice to have Justin around this summer. The past couple summers he has been doing APX, so he would be gone till about 11 pm, he would then eat dinner and we would go to bed. Justin is so great...he stays home as much as possible and spends time with Kinley and I, on top of applying for secondary med school applications, service projects, research, and work. Talk about a full load!

This is the kind of face you get when one doesn't know a picture is being taken...Some warning next time.

One of my lazy days at home with Kinley. Don't judge me! Moms get tired too.

Love her little bum in the air.

So Kinley was laying like this on the ground, so Justin picked her up and as he was picking her up, she stayed like this the whole time.

I love the stage Kinley is in. She coos/talks to us when she is really happy and excited and she is starting to try to roll over. She trows her legs up and kind of leans to the side. Practice makes perfect!

Justin missed the best part. I was sitting on a couch full of clothes to be folded and fell asleep while burping Kinley. Well, at least I got ready for the day. I got that going for me :)

Poor thing. Nana (my mom) got Kinley this adorable bathing suite but it is a 3-6 months. It is big on her so I decided to adjust it to where I could tie the bows at her shoulders to where it fit her pretty good. This is before the adjustments.

Blurry picture, but so cute. I am in love with this girl's smiles!

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