So here are some things we have been doing in Cleveland...Playing Softball, swimming, diving for dollars and um..making funny faces in the mirror. We are having a blast here in Cleveland and are very blessed to be able to travel around to so many places!

This is what Justin comes home to every night..A hot dinner, clean house and a happy wife. Okay, not always ;)

Every summer the boys go 'Diving for Dollars'. The office managers throw pennies into the pool, the guys jump in according to rank and however many pennies they pick up, is how much dollars they get.

Before Justin jumped in

Justin laughing away..

About to jump in...

Go Baby!

Whenever Justin went down to get pennies, his cute little toes would stick out of the water.

When Justin came up for air, he would have one eye open and one shut, every time.

92 Pennies....92 Dollars!!!