Thursday, June 30, 2011

2 months old!

Kinley is 2 months old now (10 weeks) and doing great! At her two month appointment she weighed 10 lbs 9 oz. , and is 22 inches long. She stays awake longer during the day and sleeps great through the night! Kinley smiles so much and with every smile, she melts my heart. I am so blessed to have such a beautiful, healthy baby girl and be able to spend everyday with this sweet bundle of joy.

This picture is of last summer, but I just love Us!!! Justin is so perfect for me and I am so blessed to have such an amazing husband and father to Kinley. I am glad that I am not the only one who speaks silly to Kinley and I am grateful for each and every moment we are all together as a family. Even though he has a ton on his plate, he makes time for us and makes sure we take priority. Oh and Justin just got his score back from the MCAT...the average score of someone who gets into D.O. school is 27. Justin's score after studying for two weeks (because Kinley was born early): 31!!! Kinley and I are so proud of you baby!!!

Daddy and naked Kinley right before a bath. She loves really warm baths. Could'nt ask for a better daddy. He is amazing!

This is how she sleeps....hands up by her face.

Kinley sleeping in her crib. Starting at 8 weeks, Kinley started sleeping in her crib. Before that she slept in a pack and play newborn napper next to my bed. I am so about 4-5 weeks, she started sleeping through the night!

So one day I was cooking dinner in the kitchen and I walked into the living room to get something. I look down and see this: Justin had put "hand cuffs" on Kinley. He was sitting right next to her laughing. I took a picture and told him I was going to put it on facebook. He said jokingly, "no, somebody is going to call CPS on me".

At Kinley's 2 month appointment she got three shots. Luckily the nurse was quick, so she just cried for a few seconds...what a good baby!

Sorry Kinley...Sadly, this is only the beginning.

About to go on a walk with mommy and daddy

She sleeps so peacefully.

Cute little feet...

Look how strong she is. Just a few hours after she was born she held her head up off of my chest, but only for a second. Now she can hold her own body weight (which she has done for a while) and can hold her head up for minutes...what a strong girl.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

3rd Wheel...

This past weekend Justin took Kinley and I on a wonderful date. That morning we went to an outdoor art show/farmers market in Provo. Later on in the evening Justin and I made shish kabobs together, we went to the park, took pictures, barbequed and played latterball. The only bad part...mosquitoes. After we got home we watched a movie and Justin made delicious apple crapes for dessert. Our dates now consist of the three of us; wouldn't have it any other way.

Thursday, June 9, 2011


As I sat down tonight, I looked down at my healthy, happy baby girl and couldn't help to think of all of my blessings. First of all I am so grateful to have been raised by parents who loved me and didn't go a day without telling me. Growing up, I knew I belonged, I knew I was loved, I was given the attention I needed and I was being tought the things I needed to learn. I am grateful for my siblings...Yes we fought like crazy but I remember my mother telling me to be nice to them because some day they were going to be my best friends. Well, now I know. . Second, I am so grateful to have Justin as my husband and father to my child. I could not imagine life without him and I quite honsestly dont remember life without him. He is patient, kind, selfless, sincere, funny and shows me he loves me everyday with his words and actions. I am so blessed to have a worthy priesthood holder in my home who I can call upon at any time and go to for anything that is on my mind. My love for him grows each day and still gives me the chills. And finally, my most recent blessing...Kinley. As long as I can remember I wanted to be a mother. I have always felt that being a mother was my "calling" in life. After Justin and I got married I looked forward to life with just the two of us but I couldnt wait for that time in our life when we would bring a baby into this world. After my miscarriage last year, I felt so tourn apart from losing my baby. I promised God that if he would bless us with a healthy child, I would NEVER take it for granted. I would raise that sweet baby the best I could and love him or her as much as I knew how. Well, life goes by and I get cought up in feedings, changing diapers, rocking her to sleep, taking baths, ect and I sometimes forget about that point in my life. I am not saying I have been taking her for granted, but I need to remember that a crying baby, lack of sleep or a dirty diaper is nothing..Life is better and bigger than getting caught up in the little things. I am grateful I have these dirty diapers to change, sleep to lose and a crying baby to soothe. I can truly say that Heavenly Father knows what he is doing. Although we may not like the timing of things or thought things would turn out different, he knows best. He knows what we will grow from, he knows what we need and he know what will make us truly happy in the end. I look at my sweet little girl and my heart just beams. I can't say I am glad I had my miscarriage but I am so glad that I know who is in charge and he knows me best of all. He is the reason I have what I have and he is the reason why my daughter is here: happy and healthy and stealing my heart as we speak.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Loving Life!

Kinley is about 7 weeks old now and getting cuter by the second. She is smiling at us more and more and even picked up a rattle by herself. Justin sat it on her lap and we were on the couch talking and I hear the rattle and we look down and she has it in her hand, playing with it. I swear she is smarter and stronger than we think! I am getting so excited for her new developments and I can't wait to play with her!

Waking up from a Sunday nap

This is how she always sleeps. I swear this is how she was in the womb. In all of my ultrasounds, we could never get a decent profile picture because she hands were always by her face.

Sunday naps with Kinley are the best. She loves to snuggle!